Tube count; when less is more. Fin Surface Area; when more is a whole lot more.

Question: How many tubes in your Model A core...
I need a radiator for my Model A. What is the tube count of this unit?
Answer: Tube count is important but it is part of the larger "equation"
- The geometry of the tube is important - We use a 3/4" elliptical or "flat" tube. The Rouge plant used a 3/8" "Jelly bean"
- The tube wall thickness is important - We use a 007. wall. Ford used a .015. (which partly explains part the weight of the older cores)
- The tube construction is important - We are laser welded. Ford was a lap seamed solder joint; an antiquated construction technique prone to failure.
- The aggregate area of the opening of the tube is important. We are 2.6% greater
- The aggregate volume in the tubes is important. We have 10.3% more volume in aggregate.
So in short, there are fewer tubes than a radiator made almost 100 years ago but because of their shape and construction they have more surface area in contact with coolant and, concomitantly, more in contact with fin.
This is part of the the reason they cool better. The other part is the fin.
Question: What's the difference between Active Driving, Extreme Touring and Show?
We hate using marketing terms but our customers love them so we have adopted the snazzy terms like Active Driver, Extreme Touring and Show quality. An increase the cooling fin density reduces engine temperature. Why? Because aggregate fin surface area is really nothing more and an "opportunity for heat exchange" between the source (engine/coolant] and the sink (Air). We pulled the data from the Ford plants and compared it to the radiators we make today for active drivers, extreme tourers and those who show to illustrate the scale of the cooling area increase and cooling improvement.